They’ve been workin’ on the railroad…

ENGINEER Davey Wiser leans out of the cab of the engine of the El Droado Western Railroad. Courtesy photo
All aboard the El Dorado Western Railroad! Sunday, the community’s own railroad will be rolling up the line from the railroad park in El Dorado to Hagen’s Crossing and back.
Running on the first and third Sundays of the month between now and March 18, rides begin at noon and continue until 4 p.m. The El Dorado Western Railroad is operated by a foundation of the same name under the auspices of the El Dorado County Historical Museum.
Davey “Doc” Wiser, renowned stagecoach driver and 50-plus year railroad man, visited the Mountain Democrat Wednesday toting photos of the organization’s rolling stock, depot replica and a train under way pulling its caboose. The photos give graphic evidence of the progress made in creating a viable historical railroad experience between Shingle Springs and Diamond Springs.
Sunday’s rides will be on “speeder” cars in a train-like formation with a foundation volunteer manning each car.
“We’ve got a pot-bellied stove in the depot now and we’ll have one in the caboose soon,” Wiser said. “There will also be complimentary hot chocolate and cookies for everyone.”
The Sunday rides began Jan. 8 and have been a huge hit with local families, Wiser noted, adding, “It’s the oldest railroad line west of the Mississippi River” and “riding a piece of history is great family fun for all ages.”
The “Doc” explained that the foundation encourages a $5 donation for riders ages 9 and older; $3 for youngsters 3 to 8 and for train enthusiasts under 3, the ride is on the house.
The historical railroad park is in the town of El Dorado next to the Community Center on Oriental Street across from the Post Office. For information about the El Dorado Western Railroad Foundation, call 530-621-5865 or visit the Website.
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Last Login: Wed Feb 15 21:09:44 2012
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- Hey, Doc! Lookin’ good in that cab!!Keep up the good work, folks, and don’t let up!Looking forward to a great 2012 season on the railroad, and many seasons to come…..From “Railroad Jim” and the gang at the Placerville & Sacramento Valley Railroad.