Letters Opinion Wednesday, April 27th, 2011 Posted by Letters to the Editor Mountain Democrat
Save our historical Placerville & Sacramento Valley Railroad
EDITOR: The Sacramento Valley Railroad ran the first train into Folsom on Feb. 22, 1856. The route through White Rock to Latrobe opened in 1864 and in 1865 Shingle Springs became the end of the line. The railroad brought prosperity to the region and after much financial, political and legal drama, finally reached Placerville in 1888.
Although passenger service ended in the 1930s, it is claimed that the Placerville Branch was one of the most profitable on the Southern Pacific system.
The railroad continued in operation until approximately 1978 hauling freight such as lumber, lime, produce, etc. The line was bought by a joint powers authority in 1996 under the Rail Banking regulations, and though recently “out of use,” has never been abandoned. Rail Banking means the right-of-way must be protected for future rail services.
The modern Placerville & Sacramento Valley Railroad Inc., a registered not-for-profit corporation, was created in 2008 in response to a request for proposal from the JPA for an Excursion Railroad Operator. With the support of our parent organization, the Folsom, El Dorado and Sacramento Historical Railroad Association, the new P&SVRR is now ready to begin service on select dates for the 2011 season.
Dozens of railroad volunteers have spent tens of thousands of hours in Sacramento and El Dorado counties clearing brush, cutting tree limbs and fallen trees. Hundreds of rail ties have been removed and replaced. For about 15 years volunteers have been acquiring equipment and reworking it to first-class status and are ready to roll.
All this has been brought about by little or no money. It is amazing what a group of volunteers can do. For the past two weekends, the trains have run excursion trips from Shingle Springs up to El Dorado from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Each trip carried a full capacity of excited passengers. This coming weekend will host a hand-car derby at the Iron Point/Bidwell site in Folsom. Runs are also scheduled to run in Folsom starting in May and continuing throughout the summer. There also will be a Rail Fest during the Memorial Day weekend.
A recent action by the El Dorado County Board of Supervisors has cast a shadow over the future of this iconic railroad. We could lose this important part of the history of El Dorado County forever, denying the future generations the right to enjoy what we railroaders have worked so long and hard to protect. A concerted lobbying effort by local trails enthusiasts has finally convinced the supervisors to explore the long and difficult process of removing the rails. This was done by cutting short a 10-year review period built into the county’s own documents, even though there was ample evidence the P&SVRR was on the verge of launching operations.
Two meetings ago it was agreed that the Trails and Rails would work together in protecting this right-of-way. However, at the next meeting all that we had agreed upon had no validity.
Members, Placerville & Sacramento Valley Railroad

Supervisors Knight and Nutting recommending the Board consider the El Dorado Trail Subcommittee recommendations and adopt the following:
1) Approve those segments of the trail that have been designated as:
- Segment 1 (Western county line to the West end of Motherlode Drive) - A priority use for hiking, biking and equestrian;
- Segment 2 (West end of Motherlode Drive to the Missouri Flat road) - A segment designated for joint use which will include railroad usage along with trail uses; and
- Segment 3 (Missouri Flat Road to Placerville) – An existing trail made of Class 1 Bike Path, bike lanes and bike route.
3) Prior to the removal of any track, there shall be a plan in place to maintain the entire trail free of all vegetation and trash. This plan shall include hours needed to keep the entire trail in useable condition and a financial plan to cover any and all costs.

Supervisor Sweeney noted that the cost of the 8 miles of new trail from Placerville to Missouri Flat road was over $8,000,000, or a million dollars a mile. By reducing the Rail portion of the corridor by 2/3rds and increasing the Trail portion by 2/3rds, it adds 16 miles to the 8 mile Class 1 Bike Path, bike lanes, and bike route existing within that corridor today. Although the Board did approve the removal and sale for savage value, it is with conditions. Those conditions are burdensome and whether the conditions can be met is yet to be seen.
Additionally, there are a number of outstanding legal questions that cannot be answered until an actual proposal is brought forward. Another outstanding question is whether the rails and ties belong to the Sacramento-Placerville Transportation Corridor Joint Powers Authority and their position on selling them to fund building of the trails.
The county staff will return with research on the legal issues, feasibility, and any alternatives to pulling the tracks for the Board to consider at the second meeting in May.